50 Ways to Get a Job


In 2010, we noticed the young people we were working with were looking for jobs in vain. With spiraling unemployment rates and a volatile economy, prospects were tough. They were turning to outdated training programs that did not answer their fundamental question: How do I get a job that makes money and does good? Funded by the Ontario Trillium Fund’s Future Fund, we spent three years experimenting and piloting a new type of job training with over 3000 people. The result of all of this work is 50waystogetajob.com. Since its launch, the site has reached over 400k people in 156 different countries and has been featured on over thirty university and college career center sites. The site has also been translated and adapted for a German audience.

Website: 50waystogetajob.com
German Translation: 50wegezumjob.de.

Fast Company | Marie Claire | Glamour Magazine | Life Hacker | Globe and Mail

How do you get a job that does good?

